
Thank you for becoming a contributor to the Santiam Rebuild Coalition.
The information provided on this page will help you get started.

Get Started

Here are some things you can do as a registered Contributor here on the Santiam Rebuild Coalition website. If you haven’t already signed up as a Contributor, you canĀ  register at https://www.detroitlakefoundation.org/volunteer

Login to your Contributor Account

To access some of the website features, you'll need to login to your Contributor account. You should have already received a message from the website with login information (if not, please check your spam folder).

Review your Contributor Listing

Visit the Contributors Directory and find yourself in the grid. Clicking on your logo will take you to your Contributor listing. Please review the information and let us know if anything needs to be changed or updated.

Share Your Contributor Listing

While you are reviewing your Contributor listing, you can also share it to your social network pages, such as Facebook. Your listing is formatted for social sharing and will include a nice image, title and description that will help others understand how you are helping the Coalition.

Participate in Our Forums

The Coalition's Contributor Forums are a place where you can exchange information and ideas, plus coordinate activities. We encourage you to participate and help us better understand how we can help each other rebuilt Santiam Canyon.

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